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Major hydrological basins and their sub-basins. This dataset divides the African continent according to its hydrological characteristics. The dataset consists of the following information:- numerical code and name of the major basin (MAJ_BAS and MAJ_NAME); - area of the major basin in square km (MAJ_AREA); - numerical code and name of the sub-basin (SUB_BAS and SUB_NAME); - area of the sub-basin in square km (SUB_AREA); - numerical code of the sub-basin towards which the sub-basin flows (TO_SUBBAS) (the codes -888 and -999 have been assigned respectively to internal sub-basins and to sub-basins draining into the sea)
Physiographic maps for the CIS and Baltic States (CIS_BS), Mongolia, China and Taiwan Province of China. Between the three regions (China, Mongolia, and CIS_BS countries) DCW boundaries were introduced. There are no DCW boundaries between Russian Federation and the rest of the new countries of the CIS_BS. The original physiographic map of China includes the Chinese border between India and China, which extends beyond the Indian border line, and the South China Sea islands (no physiographic information is present for islands in the South China Sea). The use of these country boundaries does not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of FAO concerning the legal or constitutional states of any country, territory, or sea area, or concerning delimitation of frontiers. The Maps visualize the items LANDF, HYPSO, SLOPE that correspond to Landform, Hypsometry and Slope.
Substratum Thèse Sylvie Leforner 2004 ---- Fichier : rousub11311_l93
Parcellaire cultural du 19 mai 2003 ---- Fichier : roupar12351_l93
Parcellaire cultural du 21 avril 2010 ---- Fichier : roupar123a3_l93
Parcellaire cultural du 24 février 2004 ---- Fichier : roupar12361_l93
Collection des fossés du BV Roujan à différentes dates. Détail : - Fossés du BV (original 1997) ---- Fichier : roufos28311_l93 - Fossés du BV Roujan (pour Vincent S.; 2 exutoires; 2003) ---- Fichier : roufos28331_l93 - Fossés du BV Roujan (pour Cécile D.; 2005) ---- Fichier : roufos28351_l93
Roujan : noeuds du fossé du BV (original 1997) ---- Fichier : roufos38311_l93
Roujan : noeuds des fossés du BV (pour Vincent S.; 2 exutoires; 2003) ---- Fichier : roufos38331_l93
Peyne : carte 1/25000 (Téléchargement interne : administrateurs TUNISIE, FRANCE, OMERE)